Healed Internet Addiction

My addiction to the internet was so bad that I had wished if I could get rid of every one in my family. Just me and my laptop all alone. I felt no thirst , hunger as I was indulged or posses with the Internet, Social media and chatting and i had created my won Virtual World around me. I was most happy if there were no friends, Kids, Wife or my Mom around. I had minimal communication with them and I had a sort of withdrawal symptom when I had no chance to be online.

My relation ships with my family and my friends were soo feeble those days as I was no more myself.

After coming to Recon Center (The Cochin Lampstand), the Lord delivered me miraculously from all that. Now I prefer to be away from my computer and use it only for my work purpose and have a use my social media to spread the Good news and the change in me by my comments and quoting the Bible and spreading the Word in a small way I can. Praise the Lord for the good works that He has started in me.

You too can experience this freedom.

But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. (Hebrews 13:16)

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