Sabbath, Lords Day

The Sabbath was made known to Israel and made a commandment at the giving of the law, Ex. 20:9-11; Deut. 5:15; Neh. 9:13, 14. The word first appears in Scripture in Ex. 16:23. The Lord’s day began to be observed by common consent in apostolic days, Acts 20:7. The Sabbath was a sign between God … Read more

Resurrection Body

The central passage describing the resurrection body of believers is 1 Cor. 15:35-54. It is likened to the transforming change which a grain of wheat undergoes when it springs forth from the ground after it has been planted. No two bodies will be alike, but all will be celestial rather than terrestrial. They will no … Read more


The comprehensive theme of redemption is dealt with in 150 texts of Scripture, where a dozen Hebrew and Greek words are used. The term means to deliver by paying a price, to sever from bondage. In OT days a lost inheritance could be redeemed, Lev. 25:25, as could an Israelite who had sold himself into … Read more


The word popularly applied to the translation of the church at the end of the present age comes from a Latin verb rapio, to seize or to snatch away. The first clear revelation of the rapture of believers is found in John 14:3, where Christ promised to come again and receive His followers unto Himself. … Read more


At least a dozen books in the Bible refer to the divine separation of mankind into races or nations, Gen. 10:25; Deut. 32:8. Within Israel it was forbidden to intermarry with other nations, Deut. 7:1-3. Such marriages were called a trespass which brought down the wrath of God, Ezra 10:2, 14. King Solomon’s unions with … Read more