Healed Internet Addiction

My addiction to the internet was so bad that I had wished if I could get rid of every one in my family. Just me and my laptop all alone. I felt no thirst , hunger as I was indulged or posses with the Internet, Social media and chatting and i had created my won … Read more

A Recovered Alcoholic

Hello, my name is Prem. I am 38 years old. I am a recovered Alcoholic, and have been for two years. (I met Jesus 3 years ago!) I started drinking when I was in my teens. I was really enjoying it and never thought of stopping it until I realized that it was affecting my … Read more


Praise the Lord. Today I would like to share a testimony on how the Lord took care of me. I’m 26 Years Old now and I met Jesus when I was 12 Years Old. Since I was from a Hindu Family my parents did not approve me of going for worship to church. It was … Read more