In this segment, Chuck Missler discusses heaven and hell. This segment comes from the “Heaven or Hell” briefing pack published by Koinonia House.
Do You See What I See
Things that I think about and find interesting enough to share.
Carlos Annacondia
FORMER businessman turned evangelist, Carlos Annacondia has been the key figure in the Argentine revival – the longest revival in Church history – for the last 23 years.
How do you know that Christianity is the one true worldview?
httpv:// Exclusivity is one of the most popular charges leveled against the Christian faith. Here, author and apologist Ravi Zacharias and RZIM speaker John Njoroge challenge the assumption that Christianity is alone in making exclusive claims. Click here for the entire presentation:
Finances, The Economy, & Recession: What You Need To Know – by Andrew Wommack Ministries
To help you gain God’s perspective on the current “recession” and how you can overcome it, Andrew Womack Ministries hosted a discussion with Paul Milligan, the new head of CBC third-year Business School. He has been a board member of AWMI for many years. Paul owns several companies, with over 1,200 employees, and just like AWMI, he has experienced unprecedented growth during this “recession.”
Recently, Andrew Wommack sat down with Paul and got an education on monetary matters, and Andrew thought of how much this would benefit many people during this “recession”. So, they sat down again and discussed what’s happening in some nations economically and what we can do about it. Andrew think this could make a big difference in people’s attitude, faith, and prosperity. So, please take the time to watch the video.
Jesse Duplantis – Close Encounters of the God Kind
Jesse Duplantis shares his experience with heaven.