The Lamp and Light Post Emails

Greetings in the mighty matchless name of our risen Lord Jesus.

This post applies only to my brothers and sisters who get The Lamp and Light Post through email.

I’ve been emailing teachings from the Bible through The Lamp and Light Post every Saturday for the last two years. Since then, it has found a home in

I wish to restructure my website. This means that these emails have to stop for now.

The weekly posts will continue and will be available online here:

If you are on Facebook, you can find us here:

Once the website updates are done, you can continue receiving The Lamp and Light Post through email by signing up using the “The Lamp & Light Post subscription” button which can be found on the bottom right of

Please let me know through our contact page if the subscription option gives you any trouble.

I trust these weekly posts have been a blessing and will continue to be so.

with love in Jesus,

John Kodiyil

But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. (Hebrews 13:16)