Season’s updates :)

Student aid

I have a personal burden to give aid to students who do not have the means to buy uniforms or books. Trusting this unction is from the Lord Jesus, I have decided to act on it based on Zechariah 4:10, where we read “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin…”

If you know of any such families, and most importantly, are willing to get involved, please let me know. Your involvement is necessary because we do not give out cash/money to parents, but rather pay directly.

I do not have an operational support base outside India, so the only currency I can operate with now is the Indian Rupee.

Please note that I am not asking you for money, but asking who we can help by putting our faith into action. However, if you would like to contribute, please let me know, and I’ll contact you as and when the need arises.

Website & Posts

I have (once again….) redesigned the Recon Center website. Please visit when you can.

Starting tomorrow, June 15, 2012, every Friday I will share videos from other ministries which I feel will be beneficial to you.

For those of you that have not seen this video, here is a live recording of the Jesus Culture song “Rooftops” recorded during worship – httpv://

I once again request that you keep me, my family and the ministry in your prayers and supplications to our Father in heaven.

with love in Jesus,

John S. Kodiyil

But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. (Hebrews 13:16)