
The platform that you have is the combined resources you have at your disposal to share your ideas. It’s whatever “stage” you have, and more. It might be how many people you can reach in person, by traditional media means, by all the new media means. It’s your outreach, your area of influence. Call it what you will, we all have a unique platform.

The number of people in that platform is not as important as you bearing fruit. We all have a limited amount of energy and have a limited number of hours in a day. We also have to deal with our emotions and what we consider to be reality.

The Apostle Paul, in his letter to the Church in Corinth, wrote this: Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain [it.] And everyone who competes [for the prize] is temperate in all things. Now they [do it] to obtain a perishable crown, but we [for] an imperishable [crown.] Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as [one who] beats the air. But I discipline my body and bring [it] into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified. (1 Corinthians 9:24-27)

So, sharing your content everywhere, dispersion of time and energy will wear us down if we are not called. You must bear fruit, but for that, you must be focused.

To battle discouragement and to find strength, we look to our Lord Jesus Christ, and His body on earth, His Church.

The Lord inspires us daily, but are we listening? Are we “sharpening our Axe” daily or are we just “going with the flow”?

The Lord said to Moses, “What [is] that in your hand?” He said, “A rod.” (Exodus 4:2). Start with what you have in your hand. Start with that which you are able to do. Don’t be a waste of space. Do something, bear much fruit.

But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. (Hebrews 13:16)

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