God Wants You Well

Notebook for
God Wants You Well
Wommack, Andrew
Citation (Chicago Style): Wommack, Andrew. God Wants You Well. Harrison House LLC, 2010. Kindle edition.

Highlight (blue) – Location 19
In fact, it’s now been almost forty years since I’ve had sickness win in my body. That doesn’t mean I’ve never had a problem. Along the way, I’ve had things attack me. One time, while I was making radio programs, all of the symptoms of the flu hit me. My sinuses stopped up, my nose ran, and I began to have aches, chills, and fever— all within a very short period of time. It took me about an hour praying over it, but then it was gone.
Highlight (blue) – Location 45
I’ve personally seen three people raised from the dead, including my own son. He’d been dead for almost five hours, and had already turned black. His toe was tagged and he was lying on a slab in the hospital morgue, but the Lord raised him up— glory to His name!
Chapter 1: Miracles Confirm God’s Word
Highlight (blue) – Location 87
Only God can forgive sins, and man in his physical ability does not have the power to produce healing. However, Jesus being both fully God and fully Man, could actually say and provide both these things— healing and forgiveness.
Highlight (yellow) – Location 119
In other words, God used miracles to confirm that it was really Him speaking through these people. This scripture also reveals that the Lord confirms the true preaching and teaching of His Word with signs following.
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However, in God’s system, when His Word is truly preached there will be signs and wonders following.
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Many people are preaching only the forgiveness of sins. God confirms all of His Word that we preach, but if all we preach on is spiritual, eternal values, and the forgiveness of sins, then all we’ll see happen is people being born again. But if we preach and teach the whole counsel of God, He will confirm it with signs, wonders, and miracles. This is the way God has established it in the scriptures, and this is the way it should be.
Chapter 2: Part of His Atonement
Highlight (yellow) – Location 149
One of the main reasons why the modern- day Church has been rendered so ineffective and irrelevant in many people’s eyes is they’ve only preached that God is for the hereafter. They’ve made relationship with the Lord a heaven and hell issue, and haven’t preached that He loves us right now. They haven’t taught that God wants to give us a dynamic and absolutely victorious life at this present time. They haven’t ministered healing, prosperity, or deliverance.
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They’re in strife, enduring divorce, suffering from sickness, and terrified of what’s happening out in the world. They haven’t heard or seen that the Lord deals with these issues in this life.
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What if the Church were to represent the Lord more accurately by saying, “God will heal you and keep you healthy. He’ll deliver you from the depression, despair, and strife that you find yourself in. God will prosper you in a way that you could never accomplish just through your own effort.” If we presented the truth that God is not only for the forgiveness of sins, but for all these other areas too, then people would see that He is truly relevant to our daily life.
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The Church should be meeting the needs of people!
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Jesus provided healing for us at the same time as He provided forgiveness for our sins. Healing isn’t just an “add- on” or an “added benefit” that only happens sometimes. It’s an essential part of what Christ came to do. Jesus died for the physical healing of our bodies just the same as He died for our forgiveness of sins. The Lord purchased healing for us just as He purchased forgiveness. It’s all part of His atonement.
Chapter 4: The Full Package
Highlight (yellow) – Location 285
Both Psalm 103: 3 and 1 Peter 2: 24 mention the salvation benefits of forgiveness of sins and physical healing together in the same verse. Scripture does not separate what Jesus did in the atonement.
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Basically, Christianity has preached, “Forgiveness of sins is all that Jesus atoned for. Of course, since God is God, He could heal if He wants to, but that’s like icing on the cake. That’s extra. It isn’t part of the basic package.” No, God’s Word clearly reveals that healing is an integral part of the salvation package. Healing is in the atonement just as much as forgiveness of sins!
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You need to get the same attitude toward sickness that you have toward sin!
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When Jesus healed the sick, the Bible declares that it was good and it brought glory to God. Things that bring glory to God and draw people closer to Him are not of the devil.
Chapter 5: Sickness and Sin
Highlight (yellow) – Location 385
The Greek word translated “express image” speaks of an identical copy or a perfect representation. 1 Therefore, God’s Word reveals that Jesus Christ is the identical copy and perfect representation of His Father. He only spoke what He heard His Father say, and He only did what He saw His Father do. So we can be confident in determining God’s will concerning healing by looking at the life of Jesus.
Highlight (yellow) – Location 395
There are seventeen times in the Gospels where Jesus healed all of the sick that were present. There are forty- seven other instances where Christ healed at least one or two people at a time (see the section “Is It Always God’s Will to Heal?” at the back of this book). But you cannot find even one instance where Jesus refused to heal a person or where He put sickness on someone.
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God is not the author of sickness— He’s the author of healing.
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No, healing is paid for and available just as much as forgiveness of sin. Therefore, we ought to hate sickness and disease as much as we hate sin.
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As long as you can tolerate sickness and sin, you will. But once you reach the place of saying, “I’m not living like this, I will not do it; I’ll die before I go out and do this,” you’ll start seeing sin diminished in your life. Once you get the attitude that, “I will not put up with sickness, infirmity, and disease, I resist it in Jesus’ name,” you’ll start seeing healing manifest in your life. Of course, there’s more to it than just this. Among other things, there are laws that govern healing. There’s much to learn about receiving healing from God, but this has to be your foundation. Healing is included in Christ’s atonement.
Highlight (yellow) – Location 456
Without exception, all the people I’ve studied who have had the healing power of God manifest in their lives and ministries on a regular basis have had this same foundational belief.
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I’m talking about the people who walk in divine health and consistently see miracles of healing. Every single one of them has believed that healing is part of the atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ. They believe it’s always God’s will to heal just the same as it’s always God’s will to save.
Highlight (yellow) – Location 461
Remember, you have to resist— actively fight against— the devil before he’ll flee from you. (James 4: 7.) You need to understand and believe that healing is from God and sickness is from Satan. Once you make this clear distinction in your heart, then you must resist the devil— and all the sickness, infirmity, and disease he sends your way.
Chapter 6: A Cop Out
Highlight (yellow) – Location 507
Some people argue, “If God wanted someone healed, then they’d be healed whether you or I prayed for them or not.” That’s not true either. Consider the forgiveness of sins. God’s Word says that… The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us- ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3: 9
Highlight (yellow) – Location 554
So I told those parents, “I don’t believe this was God’s will. The Lord did not kill your son. He didn’t allow this to happen. Satan was the one who snuffed his life out. Even though the devil may have won this battle, he didn’t win the war.” Then I shared from 2 Samuel 12: 23 and other scriptures how this child was now in the presence of God. I ministered hope, and the reality that this boy was with Jesus.
Highlight (yellow) – Location 558
But when it came to why it happened, I basically said, “It’s either my fault, your fault, both of our faults, or things that we don’t understand. I don’t know what it is, but I can guarantee you it’s not God.”
Highlight (yellow) – Location 562
God’s Word is true, and I couldn’t find in there where Jesus made people sick. I just had to tell them, “I don’t know where the problem is, but it’s not God. Satan beat us. He won a battle, but he didn’t win the war. Your son is now with Jesus, but it wasn’t God’s will for him to go now due to sickness.” Because I told these people the truth, they prayed and God showed them some areas where they had allowed fear, doubt, and unbelief in. This had hindered their faith and kept them from receiving the miracle they needed. Because they received the truth, they repented and were able to overcome that fear.
Chapter 7: Paul’s Thorn in the Flesh
Highlight (blue) – Location 618
Remember, it was because of the abundance of the revelations that this thorn came. With those revelations, Paul wrote half of the New Testament. Therefore, anybody who hasn’t had an abundance of revelations like Paul did shouldn’t be hiding behind his thorn in the flesh today.
Highlight (blue) – Location 624
Paul’s thorn in the flesh was not sickness. It was a demonic messenger sent from Satan to buffet him.
Highlight (blue) – Location 700
When Paul used this terminology “thorn in the flesh,” the original readers’ minds immediately went back to the imagery in the Old Testament scriptures of Numbers 33:55, Joshua 23:13, and Judges 2:3. In each case, it referred to people who were antagonistic toward God’s people.
Highlight (blue) – Location 721
Through Christ’s atonement, we have been redeemed from sickness, but not from persecution.
Highlight (blue) – Location 731
We aren’t redeemed from persecution, but we are redeemed from sickness.
Chapter 8: Eye Problems?
Highlight (blue) – Location 766
This was an instance where Paul was stoned and left for dead. He refers to this in 2 Corinthians 11: Once was I stoned. 2 Corinthians 11:25 Personally, I believe Paul was dead. If he wasn’t dead, he was so close to being dead that the people who were trying to kill him supposed that “he had been dead.” (Acts 14:19.) Whether he was dead, or very close to it, the Word says that as the disciples stood round about him, he rose up and came into the city. The next day he departed with Barnabas to Derbe, twenty to fifty miles away (the exact distance is disputed1). Paul walked (and/or rode) to the next town, and the following day preached to the people there (vv. 20–21). Can you guess where these cities of Iconium, Lystra, and Derbe were? They were all part of a region called Galatia. These are the people Paul was writing to in Galatians 4 when he said, “At first you took pity on me because of this infirmity in my flesh. You would have plucked out your own eyes for me” (v. 15).
Highlight (blue) – Location 785
It’s also possible that when Paul said, “You would have plucked out your own eyes and given them to me” that he was using a figure of speech. We say, “You’d give your right arm for me.” Does that mean you or I have a bad right arm? No. It’s just a figure of speech we use to say that this person would sacrifice anything for me. So Paul saying, “You would have plucked out your own eye and given it to me” may not have had anything to do with him having something wrong with his eyes. If he was talking about the fact that he had some damage to his eyes from the stoning the day before, it was only temporary.
Highlight (blue) – Location 797
There are different words for talking about size or quantity in the Greek language. The word translated “large” in Galatians 6:11 is the one for quantity.2 Paul wasn’t talking about how big and tall each individual letter of each word was. He was saying, “This letter—this piece of correspondence—that I’ve written you has become so long.”
Chapter 9: Redeemed from the Curse
Highlight (blue) – Location 833
This isn’t some endorsement for medicine. Some people argue that wine has medicinal qualities and, therefore, Paul was advising Timothy to take medicine for his stomach problems. No, it’s very clear that this stomach problem was related to contaminated water. So Paul was saying, “Quit drinking the water and drink wine instead.” If they had sodas back then like we do now, he could have said, “Stop drinking the water and have a soda instead.” But they didn’t have sodas back then, just wine. This is not saying that Timothy had some chronic problem from which he never received healing. This is just Paul telling Timothy, “Quit drinking the water. That’s what is causing you to have an upset stomach. Drink something else instead.” It’s like me speaking to a Bible college student while we’re on a mission trip in a foreign country saying, “Don’t drink the tap water here. Drink bottled water or have a soda instead, but don’t drink the water.” That’s all he’s saying.
Highlight (blue) – Location 849
People have come up to me in much the same way, if an associate or an employee of mine is ill, has some kind of a sickness or undergoes an operation, or they wear glasses, people will ask, “If it was God’s will to heal them, then how come they aren’t healed?” I can’t manifest healing for another person only on my faith. You don’t get healed just by being around someone. It doesn’t come by osmosis. You don’t rub up against people and receive healing. Each individual has to believe.
Highlight (blue) – Location 853
Trophimus had to believe. The Word doesn’t tell us why he was left at Miletum. Possibly, he was believing, and it just took a period of time for healing to manifest in his body. Yet, Paul didn’t want to wait for the manifestation and went on ahead. It’s possible that Trophimus was healed and caught up with Paul later on, or ministered in some other way.
Note – Location 856
Acts 21:29 (For they had previously seen Trophimus the Ephesian with him in the city, whom they supposed that Paul had brought into the temple.)
Highlight (blue) – Location 868
Although there are several Old Testament references to where God struck people with sickness, not once was it ever considered a blessing. Both Miriam (Numbers 12) and King Uzziah (2 Chronicles 26) became leprous. A plague killed 185,000 people. (2 Kings 19.) The angel of the Lord went through and killed all the firstborn of the Egyptians in one night. (Exodus 12.) Yes, God put sickness on people under the Old Covenant, but it was never a blessing.
Highlight (blue) – Location 902
God can work anything that happens to us together for good, but not everything that happens to us comes from God. (Romans 8:28; John 10:10.) Sickness is not from God. (James 1:16–17.) The Lord doesn’t put sickness on you to humble you. God wants you well!
Chapter 10: Jesus Healed Them All
Highlight (blue) – Location 923
Under the New Covenant, we’ve been redeemed from the curse of the law. (Deuteronomy 28:15–68; Galatians 3:13–14.) Through faith in Christ and what He’s done, every blessing—including health—is now ours in Him. (Deuteronomy 28:1–14; Eph. 1:3.) Hopefully you’ve already come into agreement with the Word.
Chapter 11: Why Isn’t Everyone Healed?
Highlight (blue) – Location 1033
When people come to the church today with a financial problem, we send them to the lenders saying, “Have you been to the bank? Have you checked in with the social workers?” If they’re sick we ask, “Have you been to the doctor? Does he need to operate? Have you taken medication?” If they are depressed and discouraged, we ask “Have you taken any medicine for this? Have you gone to a psychiatrist? You need a shrink and some therapy.” In other words, the Church has basically abdicated our authority and responsibility for meeting the needs of people.
Highlight (blue) – Location 1056
The second major reason that people get sick is because we are in a battle with the devil. Some people aren’t aware of this, but not everything that goes on is merely physical. There is a spiritual battle raging with godly angels carrying out the Lord’s will and demonic spirits carrying out Satan’s will. Sometimes our enemy just fights us, and it’s not based on an individual sin that we do.
Highlight (blue) – Location 1089
Or the devil could be attacking you through no fault of your own. In fact, when Satan fights against you it’s a very good sign that you’re doing something right. The enemy seeks to hinder people who are responsive to God and fighting him. You can tell you’ve arrived at the Promised Land when you meet the giants. When problems are staring you in the face, sometimes it’s an indication that you’re doing things right instead of wrong. The good news is that no matter what caused the sickness—sin, the devil, or something natural—there’s always something we can do about it. Since the Lord has redeemed us from sickness and disease, we can take our authority, exercise our faith, and effect a cure. Even if our own sin opened a door and brought the sickness on us, we can repent and turn from it, and release the forgiveness and healing power of God in our lives. Regardless of how these sicknesses and diseases come, there’s always something we as believers can do about it.
Chapter 12: “Because of Your Unbelief”
Highlight (blue) – Location 1098
After Jesus rebuked His disciples, He turned and healed the demonized boy. Jesus rebuked the devil; and he departed out of him: and the child was cured from that very hour. Matthew 17:18 The disciples immediately pulled Jesus aside and asked: Why could not we cast him out? Matthew 17:19 This is the question we’re dealing with. If it’s God’s will to heal, and Jesus healed this boy, why didn’t the disciples see him healed? If we believe that it’s God’s will for everyone to be healed, then why don’t we always see every person healed? What are the reasons why someone isn’t healed?
Highlight (blue) – Location 1172
Instead of accepting all of the responsibility for this healing on Himself, Jesus turned back to this father and declared, “If you can believe, all things are possible to him that believes.”
Highlight (blue) – Location 1178
This shows that you can have faith, and yet have unbelief, at the same time.
Chapter 13: Faith Negated
Highlight (blue) – Location 1221
So I asked God, “Why wasn’t this man healed?” It took me about three years for my lightning-fast mind to finally figure this out. The Lord showed me, “Andrew, you did have faith, but you also had unbelief.” When the people responded in shock and I panicked, that was unbelief. I was more concerned about what other people said than I was about what God had to say. Jesus said: How can ye believe, which receive honour one of another, and seek not the honour that cometh from God only? John 5:44 If you have to have other people validate you to feel good about yourself, you’re a man pleaser. Worrying about other people’s opinions is the fear of man. Fear is the opposite of faith. Fear is actually faith in a negative direction. I was worried about what people thought of me. I was embarrassed and humiliated. That unbelief and fear negated my faith. Yes, I had faith. But I also had unbelief. I was still swayed by what people thought about me, and it canceled my faith.
Highlight (blue) – Location 1260
Smith didn’t have any more faith, he just had less unbelief. He didn’t care what people thought about him.
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In fact, the book said that Smith was often criticized as being harsh and hard. Do you know what the word hard means in reference to our emotions? It means cold, insensitive, unfeeling, or unyielding to what other people think. The difference between Smith and me wasn’t that he had more faith. He had less sensitivity to people’s criticism. He was hardened toward what others thought. He wasn’t responding to anybody or anything except what God had told him. I was still too dominated by people’s opinions, by my physical realm, and what I could see, taste, hear, smell, and feel. So the difference wasn’t that Smith had more faith; it was that he had less unbelief.
Highlight (blue) – Location 1274
Unbelief comes very similar to the way that faith does. So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17
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Unbelief comes when we focus our attention on what people have to say. It comes when we listen to all the negative things the doctor has to say. If we consider, ponder, and think on all of those negatives, they’ll negate our faith. So the key to the Christian life isn’t learning how to develop a huge faith, it’s learning how to decrease the amount of unbelief in our life.
Highlight (blue) – Location 1282
They’ll allow all this sewage from the world to flow through them—thoughts, attitudes, and concepts that are completely contrary to God’s Word—and then they wonder why their faith isn’t working.
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You don’t need a huge faith. You just need a pure faith that isn’t counterbalanced by everything else.
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How did Smith Wigglesworth get to where his faith wasn’t polluted by unbelief? He resisted unbelief by refusing to focus on anything but God’s Word.
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If Abraham and Sarah’s minds had been full of thoughts of the country they had left behind in obedience to God, they would have been tempted to return. In other words, your temptation is linked to what you think.
Chapter 14: A Pure, Strong Faith
Highlight (blue) – Location 1341
Unbelief was what stopped the disciples from casting out this demon and seeing the boy healed. And since the Lord said, “This kind only goes out through much prayer and fasting,” apparently there are different kinds of unbelief.
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First, there is unbelief that comes from ignorance. Sometimes people oppose what God says not because of anything specific, but because of a lack of knowledge. They just don’t know any better. They don’t know that God wants you well. They’ve never heard that truth before. It’s ignorance, but nonetheless it’s unbelief. The way to overcome this first kind of unbelief—ignorance—is to tell people the truth. Show them the truth of God’s Word. If they respect His Word, and are sensitive to His Spirit, they’ll receive the knowledge they need to overcome this unbelief.
Highlight (blue) – Location 1355
The second type of unbelief comes from wrong doctrine. Many people nowadays have been taught wrong. They’ve been told, “God doesn’t do miracles today. Healing isn’t for us today. These things passed away with the apostles.” That’s not true. It’s not what the Word of God teaches. But nonetheless, it’s what they have been taught. This unbelief that comes from wrong teaching is harder to overcome than just ignorance. That’s because you must first counter the wrong doctrine, and then teach them the truth. The antidote is exactly the same as for the first kind of unbelief. It just takes an extra step administering it—sitting down with them and countering their objections. The answer for both of these first two types of unbelief is to receive the truth of God’s Word.
Highlight (blue) – Location 1361
Then there’s a third type of unbelief that I call natural unbelief. It’s unbelief that comes from natural information that is contrary to God’s Word. If you pray for someone to be healed and they fall over dead, your eyes, your ears, and all of your senses are going to tell you, “It didn’t work.” That’s not necessarily because of ignorance or wrong doctrine. It’s just that you’ve learned to trust what you see, taste, hear, smell, and feel. If you pray for your body to quit hurting, yet you can still feel pain, your body is going to be giving you thoughts of natural unbelief. It’s not demonic or evil. Your five senses aren’t of the devil. They have an important place and function in our everyday life.
Highlight (blue) – Location 1375
It was miraculous how I saw that first man raised from the dead. I didn’t know what was wrong when I walked into the room. I was standing right in front of the man before I realized he was dead. I heard his wife crying, “Oh, God. Bring Everett back from the dead.” When she said that, it was the first time I had even had a thought that the guy was dead. When I heard her prayer, I just looked at the man and commanded, “Everett, in the name of Jesus, come back into your body.” Then he just sat up. It was that simple.
Highlight (blue) – Location 1395
What happens when God reveals to you through His Word that it is His will to heal you, but all five of your senses are telling you, “It didn’t work. I still feel pain. I still look sick. I still have this and that, and I can taste something in my mouth that shows me I haven’t been healed yet”? If all five of your senses are telling you it didn’t work, you need to develop a sixth sense that will tell you it did work. That sixth sense is faith.
Highlight (blue) – Location 1401
Fasting doesn’t change God. It doesn’t make Him move. Fasting and prayer don’t make demons leave. There is no demon that you will ever encounter that will require fasting and prayer added to what Jesus has already done to cast them out. If you encounter a demon and it doesn’t respond to the name of Jesus and faith in His name, then your prayer and fasting isn’t going to get them out either. Speaking the Word of God and the name of Jesus in faith will deal with any demon. So, your fasting and prayer doesn’t move God. Neither does it move the devil. Fasting and prayer moves you. It affects you.
Highlight (blue) – Location 1420
You can get to the place where someone like Smith Wigglesworth lived, listening to what faith has to say more than what natural things like your mind, emotions, senses, and circumstances have to say. When you do that, you’re decreasing in unbelief.
Highlight (blue) – Location 1423
According to Romans 4, it’s more biblically accurate to say that, depending on the level of unbelief, you either have a weak faith or a strong faith.
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What you’re doing is describing how much unbelief you have mixed with your faith. If you have a lot of unbelief, then you’re weak in faith. If you have little unbelief, then you’re strong in faith. That’s an appropriate description. Whereas, little faith and big faith isn’t really appropriate. The truth is every one of us has been given the faith of the Son of God. God hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. Romans 12:3
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Every born-again Christian has the exact same amount and quality of faith that Jesus had. You don’t have a faith problem. What you have is an unbelief problem. Instead of trying to build bigger and bigger faith, we need to stop feeding unbelief. We need to turn off the sources of unbelief in our life and starve our unbelief. We need to get to where we spend so much time in the spiritual world thinking on God and the truths of His Word that we don’t even have the same thoughts of unbelief.
Highlight (blue) – Location 1459
Starve your unbelief. Get to where you are so single-minded about the Lord and His Word that your little mustard seed amount of faith will be enough to accomplish anything you need. Like a leech or a fungus, unbelief has to be fed and nourished. Separate yourself even for a week. Fasting, praying, and focusing your attention on the Lord can do great damage to your unbelief. It doesn’t cause God to give you more power. It just causes the faith you have to work so much better because you are diminishing the unbelief that’s pulling in the opposite direction. That’s good news!
Chapter 15: Governed by Law
Highlight (blue) – Location 1478
Sickness is never a blessing. God’s Word is very clear. We saw earlier that Deuteronomy 28:1–14 lists what God considers a blessing and that verses 16–68 reveals what He considers a curse. Sickness and disease are always a curse.
Highlight (blue) – Location 1481
Yes, the Lord did smite some people with sickness in the Old Testament. However, there’s a huge difference between the Old Covenant and the New. God doesn’t smite people like that in the New Covenant. But remember, even under the law, sickness was always a curse—never a blessing. And Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law (Galatians 3:12–13), which includes everything listed in Deuteronomy 28:16–68.
Highlight (blue) – Location 1488
We don’t have a faith problem. What we really have is an unbelief problem. We expose ourselves to all kinds of thoughts, attitudes, feelings, and emotions that war against our faith. To have a strong faith, we need to decrease the amount of unbelief in our life by taking our focus away from the world and away from anything that contradicts God’s Word, especially in the area of healing. We need to quit listening to all the negative reports and focus on the Word of God. If all our thoughts are spiritually minded, then all we’ll get is life and peace. (Romans 8:6.)
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A law is consistent and universal. It’s always the same, and never fluctuates, anywhere you go. Anything that doesn’t fit that criteria isn’t a law, but a phenomenon.
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God created these laws—both natural and spiritual—and He doesn’t violate them. This truth directly applies to healing.
Highlight (blue) – Location 1568
There are spiritual laws that govern how faith works and how the power of God flows. If we don’t know that, then we stop the power of God and do without because of our ignorance.
Chapter 16: The Spiritual World
Highlight (blue) – Location 1625
Through Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection, He has already paid for every person’s healing. He’s already stamped “Approved”. It’s not now up to God; there are laws through which our faith has to function. The healing He’s already provided for us won’t flow until we learn these laws and begin to put them into practice.
Highlight (blue) – Location 1635
God has already provided His healing power for everyone. Jesus has already healed you. By His stripes, you were already healed. (1 Peter 2:24.) If you are just praying and waiting on God to do something, then you are violating the laws that govern faith. You aren’t cooperating with the kingdom. God has already provided healing. If you are a born-again Christian, the same virtue that raised Jesus Christ from the dead already dwells on the inside of you. You don’t have a problem with God generating the power and making it available to you in your born-again spirit. The problem is that you haven’t learned how to activate and release it into manifestation.
Highlight (blue) – Location 1702
If the Word of God isn’t living on the inside of you, then you’re violating one of the most foundational laws. That’s like having a cord that isn’t plugged in to any electrical outlet, yet wondering why your appliance isn’t working. It’s because you aren’t plugged in to the power source. You need to plug in to the Word of God!
Chapter 17: Words Are Powerful
Highlight (blue) – Location 1717
Our words are powerful. With our words, we can release life, and with our words, we can release death. We need to recognize that there is power in our words—not only positive power, but also negative power.
Highlight (blue) – Location 1762
When it comes to healing, you need to learn to operate in this principle. If you have a pain in your foot, say, “Pain in my foot, in Jesus’ name I command you to leave.” Don’t say, “God, please take away the pain in my foot.” That’s not what He’s instructed us to do. He told us to speak to our problem, not to speak to Him about our problem. Most people aren’t cooperating with this truth. They are violating this law, and because of it the power of God doesn’t flow. We need to do what the Lord has told us to do.
Highlight (blue) – Location 1803
One of the important keys I use is my words. Specifically, I don’t just speak positive words to God, but I speak positive words to my situation. I take authority and command the situation to change. These are some of the laws of the kingdom. It may seem strange at first, but that’s just how the kingdom works.
Chapter 18: Act On Your Faith
Highlight (blue) – Location 1882
As long as you can live without being healed, you will. But when you reach a place where you say in your heart, “I am not going to take this anymore”; when you get the same amount of commitment that this woman with the issue of blood had that you are literally putting your life on the line because you could be trampled or stoned to death by the crowd; when you get focused and serious enough that you’ll do whatever it takes to act on what you believe; when you get that kind of attitude, the power of God will begin to flow. That’s just another law that governs how faith works.
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If you really understood and believed how much God loves you, your faith would shoot through the roof believing that God is healing you. It’s not the Lord who hasn’t healed, it’s us who haven’t understood and received. We need to understand how much God loves us. We need to focus and meditate on His love for us. That alone would work wonders for our faith.
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God’s Word is the owner’s manual.
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Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to help you see things that would apply to you and to the people to whom He wants you to minister healing.
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God wants you well. He wants you well more than you want to be well. If you aren’t well, it’s not because God isn’t willing. It’s because you haven’t understood how to receive.
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You need to speak to your mountain—directly to your problem. You need to act on your faith. You need to understand the love of God, and start walking in forgiveness. Get committed enough that nothing will deter you from receiving by faith what God has supplied. As long as you can live without being healed, you will. But once you are determined that you’re not going to live like this any longer, it’ll make a difference.
My Prayer for Your Healing
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Father, I pray for my friend reading this book right now. I know it’s Your will for them to be well. I know that You’ve already done it, for by Your stripes they have already been healed. (1 Peter 2:24.) Lord, You’ve already generated the power. It’s there. We just need to flip the switch. It’s just a matter of learning and changing our thinking. Father, I pray that right now the Holy Spirit would quicken on the inside of my friend whatever it is that they need to change so that they can receive what You’ve already done. Your Word says that all things that pertain to life and godliness are given to us through the knowledge of Him. (2 Peter 1:3.) Father, I ask You to impart to my friend the knowledge they need right now to release and experience Your healing power. We speak to this problem now, in the name of Jesus. We command any kind of tumors, cancer, or anything else that has invaded their body to die. Germs, viruses, infections, and the like, die in the name of Jesus. Father, we loose Your anointing to flow through their body to release them from pain and all these other symptoms. We go to the root of the problem and command these things to be healed. In Jesus’ name, I command fear to be gone, faith to come, and love to flow. We agree with You that we were healed, and if we were (past tense) healed, then we are (present tense) healed. Father, we thank You that You want us well. We receive that in Jesus’ name. Amen.
But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. (Hebrews 13:16)

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