The Comforter – Part 2


About Robots/droids, neither good nor bad.

  • As you program
  • Which dog do you feed?

Peace is deceptive in that if it comes from our heart devoted to

  • a “feel good” world – to justify our emotions or sin
  • Is this life valuable or is eternal life valuable?
  • Are our lives to Christ, following His footsteps, obeying Him
  • Keep your eyes on things above.

Philippians 4:6–7 6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

For that, we need the Holy Spirit of God to finish,

  • Our race
  • Our faith

Freedom in Christ

Is the Resurrection of Christ is just a historical fact

  • or is that evident in you?

John 11:25–26 25 Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live. 26 And whoever lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this

Proof of Jesus Christ’s resurrection

  • Salt

Matthew 5:13 13 “You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.

Mark 9:49–50 49 “For everyone will be seasoned with fire, and every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt. 50 Salt is good, but if the salt loses its flavor, how will you season it? Have salt in yourselves, and have peace with one another.”

  • Free to be me vs who God created me to be.

I don’t have to lie.

  • Confidence to be who God made me to be.
  • Confidence to be a work in progress.
  • Confidence in the Holy Spirit of excellence.

Nothing in me

John 14:30 30 I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me.

  • NT better than OT
  • You will hear the way that leads you to salvation vs I’m the way of salvation.
  • Schoolmaster vs Holy vessel.

How is Jesus Christ’s resurrection evident in my life for all to see?


  • Miracles can be false.
  • Riches can be false.

Do you practice resurrection living?

John 17:3 And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent.

Eternal life continues past this life.

  • Some will have to change vocations partly.
  1. The Power of Sin Was Broken: “For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and of death” (Rom. 8:2).
  2. The Debt of Our Sin Was Cancelled: “having cancelled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us and which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the Cross” (Col. 2:14 NIV).
  3. We Were Redeemed; The Price of Our Sin Was Paid: “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures” (1 Cor. 15:3) “…knowing that you were not redeemed with perishable things like silver or gold from your futile way of life inherited from your fathers, but with precious blood, as of a lamb unblemished and spotless, the blood of Christ” (1 Peter 1:18-19).
  4. We Were Made A New Creation: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come” (2 Cor. 5:17).
  5. We Became the Very Righteousness of God: “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Cor. 5:21).
  • How did Jesus’ disciples make Jesus authentic?
  • I have already mentioned it

Is the Resurrection of Christ just a historical fact or is that evident in you?

  • How is it evident in your life?
  • Not afraid of death.,

Matthew 10:28 28 And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

Ephesians 6:17 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;

  • Salvation is a helmet

1 Corinthians 15:55 55 “O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory?”

Colossians 1:27 To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Glory is eternal life.

  • Is this life valuable or is eternal life valuable?
  • Keep your eyes on things above

For that, we need the Holy Spirit of God to finish,

  • Our race
  • Our faith

Auto Transcription.

I was watching a movie in this movie a man didn’t like robots he didn’t like droids and it turned out he didn’t like those droids because when he was a child baby his parents were killed by droids

so as he was an adult and he had to work with droids somebody was telling him a droid is nothing but the result of programming if you program the droid to kill it’ll kill if you program this droid the same droid to serve tea and serve tea

so he said one thing which struck me said a droid by itself is neither good nor bad we can say that of the internet we can say of that of lots of things it is as you program and the load said you can say that off yourself also I said yes that’s true do you remember the example I said about the black dog and the white dog neighbor asked that one of those dogs which one is stronger said simple the one I feed is stronger so which dog do you feed do you feed the spirit or do you feed this flesh why is it important because a lot of people come and tell me that they have peace I’m not talking about peace curry they said they have peace as if is a magical mystical thing to make everything they have peace with biblical and I said to the Lord how do I explain this to them

the wild peace is biblical but Jesus is the Prince of Peace just because your peace doesn’t mean that it is biblical just because you feel good about something doesn’t make it right with God as you program

peace is deceptive in that it comes from where or to whom our heart is devoted to I have lots of peace using chocolates chocolates gives me peace is(…) that good I say yes you say no but if I offer you chocolate will you say no she’ll say yes because you will have peace

and who makes bitter gold curry I don’t have peace with that oh no no no you

should not make things like that ever because I don’t have peace with that do you understand what your mind is aligned to you let peace with in a feel-good world I’ll be using peace to justify our sins I’ve using peace to justify my emotions is this life that we call life valuable in our eyes or is eternal life valuable you have to make that decision you can’t have your legs in both boats in other words our our lives in to Christ given to Christ following his poof it steps our our lives devoted to obeying him do you keep your eyes on the things about and if you do you’ll have peace with the things about if you keep your eyes on all the things you will have peace on all three things and what about three things other you’ll have peace with

this is a deception just like other things can deceive you even peace if it’s not applied biblically can deceive you go to Philippians 4 6 to 7 says be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your request be made known to God and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will got your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus so that is a spiritual thing this piece of God but is real it’s tangible I say that it’s tangible because I’ve experienced even this morning when we started worship I was like Lord what is this chaos no the Lord said I got this after all someone to Nissa and says what he builds his house and later Justin sang your house yes so I said it’s your house there was peace why because he’s the Prince of Peace depends on where you keep your mind where is that which gives you peace is it the Word of God if you don’t renew your mind anything the world will give you peace Oh pastor have peace yes absolutely what makes the difference in our life it’s not how much you know the Bible is how much the Word of God changes you and for that we need the Holy Spirit we need the Holy Spirit of God to finish our race Jesus is a pioneer and perfect of our faith but he perfects that faith in us with the Holy Spirit as we submit to him that process is called sanctification hallelujah I call it being de-rescalized and you can’t do it out of the strength of your flesh but whether it be willpower muscle power it only lasts us long and they’ll guide you wrong because it’s not the way the Lord wants that to be remember the marriage I explained how the Jewish wedding is that send someone from the bridegroom’s house to pray the bride so that the bride knows how the coffee is made in the bridegroom’s house so that the bride doesn’t make coffee with salt I had coffee with salt that was not my bride somebody else they didn’t know they made coffee they saw white substance being added to that coffee they thought that white substance was salt and they added I drank it and I look this coffee tastes funny my friend drank it took a sip and spat it out said what does this made of I made it just like I knew makes it but the ingredient is different in that way the piece is also different

we all claim to have freedom in Christ but and I’m talking to you what the Lord has spoken to me is the resurrection of Christ just a historical fact or is it evident in you we all believe that Jesus died and rose again we all believe there’s a grave where in Delhi no in Israel that is empty yes a plane your graves in Delhi yes but there’s one in Israel that’s empty why Jesus rose again but is that a historical fact or do you believe this is it evident in your life in what you to go to John 11 25 to 26 Jesus said to her this is when Martin Mary at the death of Lazarus yes I’m the resurrection and the life he believes in me though he made that he shall live and whoever lives and believes in me shall never die do you believe this do you believe this that question brings out through the ages do you believe this or it’s just a fact that is there is it there is it real in your life what is the proof as Andrew Womack says if you are arrested for being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you what is the proof last week I saw I talked about being the salt would a Matthew 5 13 says you are the salt of the earth but if the salt loses its flavor how shall it be seasoned it is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men yes flavor what do you add salt to something flavor to understand but there are other purposes of salt also when I was training in the kitchen if we spill something like water or oil we put salt in it immediately why because then it will add friction to that surface so people don’t slip and fall yes we wipe it we don’t leave salt there we wipe it up again yes but salt’s primary purpose is what seasoning just like that you are a vessel of what honor not of dishonor yes go to mark 9 49 to 50 for everyone will be seasoned with fire and every sacrifice will be seasoned with salt salt is good but if the salt loses its flavor how will you season it have salt in yourself have peace with one another

so this salt is related to being filled with the holy spirit but it is also related to the fruit of the holy spirit yes like I said last week meditate on this yes and also as mentioned last week that all the apostles except one that stewardess died except for john also yeah he died yeah all of them died but they were killed yes john died of an old age same thing with the deacons that you find in acts chapter 6

you hear about steven who was martyred the rest except for nicholas

was martyred and nicholas became herdic according to tradition so I asked god when he told me to encourage people how do I encourage people with this remember last week I was talking about this

the lord said what is the result of you being filled with the holy spirit

and I had to think about that and the lord said don’t think too hard because you know the answer when you’re missing the answer and the answer is this it’s simple I’m free to be who god created me to be before I was free to be me I had my agenda now I have an agenda but at that agenda more and more is equal to the agenda god as of the plan that he has for me

yes are you free to do that what is the evidence I always say this I do not lie

I don’t have to lie I have confidence in who god made me to be does that does not mean that I disclose everything that is not that’s being stupid yes if you ask me something which you don’t need to know I’ll tell you on your face you don’t need to know but I don’t lie do you do you understand why not that I’m perfect but the lord perfects that which concerns me

I have the confidence to say to you that I’m a work in progress how do I have that confidence people told me as a pastor you should not show your vulnerabilities you should show yourself strong I said I’m not strong god makes me who I am

that is very different from me showing my strength in my personal strength(…) I have a call I have the confidence to say I’m a work in progress why because I know Jesus I have the confidence knowing that I am the temple of the Holy Spirit who is the spirit of excellence meaning I don’t let anything pass by the look if I do that the Lord will tell me yes the look if I do that the Lord will tell me yes do you understand

and I have the confidence to say that the devil has nothing in me

go to John 14 13 Jesus saying I will not longer talk much with you for the ruler of this world is coming and he has nothing in me hallelujah and he’s filled the same Holy Spirit that I am I can say that hallelujah I may not be perfect and if the devil comes at me with my imperfections in the past first of all he knows better I just remind him go through Jesus I belong to him who do you have peace with this is why I keep telling you that the new covenant we have in Christ is better than the old covenant if the old covenant you’ll hear the way that leads you to salvation if you’re going this way you’ll hear where voice behind you that means you go past God you’re doing something on your own that’s why it’s behind you here he says walk this way then you turn around and you go this way I’m just making an example yes so do you want that okay because that is the way to salvation or do you want the way to salvation in you

who’s Jesus I’m the way the truth in the life yes what does the school master do

that’s the Old Testament he leads you versus what you’re becoming the holy vessel of God and that is your decision not God’s providence you decide so I ask again because God asked me how is Jesus Christ’s resurrection evident in your life for all to see I talked to about DTE what is DTE I added an eye to it what is the demonstration Jesus demonstrated that he was from God there were miracles he taught the priests of God yes then he encouraged people

and then those who were disciples imbibed do you understand yes so when he encouraged

who was spiritual not natural when he taught he taught the things that were of spiritual nature not natural thing because why you just read matthew fire blesses are the poor in spirit for they shall

do you understand everything is opposite

the bible talks about the people who turn the world upside down so so for example Jesus has used me to turn water into the medicine

for what people need yes when I told the man of God of this miracle he didn’t believe me(…) so that’s impossible of course it’s impossible I didn’t do it but the Lord did it

you were there yes to understand

even now God does that so why do you say that it was impossible either I’m lying or these miracles that were done or false that means what any miracle can be false

there are people who do weird healing they call what pranic healing something other like key or whatever do you understand but miracles can be false even riches can be false

during Jesus’s temptation the devil offered him all the riches all the kingdoms

but what is it problems 10 22 says the blessing of the Lord adds wealth and brings all sorrow

I hope it’s probably 10 22 I don’t have it at all but the but the question that the Lord is asking me which I’m asking you is that do you practice resurrection living

and many people say oh I will do that when I have gone into the eternal life

but what does John 17 3 say this is eternal life that they may know you the only true God and Jesus Christ whom you have sent so do you know Jesus and do you know who the true God is that means you have and you are in eternal life eternal life with him to do understand

life but not eternal death you are meant for eternity no matter what life or death you choose

do you do understand yeah yes so I have chosen life but as part of my calling

I’ve chosen to do what I have do right now but here’s the thing some of us will have to change our vocations because I won’t need to preach to you about faith because you will see Jesus face to face hallelujah so I’ll be out of the job yeah not as a worship leader not as a musician hallelujah so I have OPS hallelujah no I’m just kidding but do you understand but here(…) the power of sin is broken yes what what does it say in Romans 8 2 for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death yes all this is the evidence that you need to show yes second is the depth of our sin was cancelled equal to Colossians to 14 years he is nailed to the cross whatever sin says whatever is required(…) he’s nailed it to the cross yes we were redeemed that means

the devil who held you for ransom he Jesus paid the price

when Rebbe was here I used to hold her for ransom and he learned how to pay the ransom price what was the ransom price cookies so become pastor this is the ransom price they give me a box of cookies and then I’ll send Rebbe home he was too small to understand that

she’s going home no matter what yeah did you understand yes but later I thought okay maybe there’s not a good idea because you think all pastors demand ransom yeah

so but but do you understand the bad guys held us for ransom Jesus paid the price yes

and then we were made a new creation in Christ so your past doesn’t matter and then not only that the scripture that saved me to condense 521 it says he became sin

who knew no sin to understand Jesus became sin who knew no sin so that we become righteousness of God in him to condense 521 all that is there it could go on actually if you make this list it’s long but how do you make that evident in your life

you keep your eye on the things bow how did Jesus’s disciples make it evident in their life they were not afraid of death

meaning this life meant nothing to them go to Matthew 1028 and do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell you can only be there and do that if you’re filled with the Holy Spirit otherwise you will run every time death approaches you why because you’re afraid of it(…) do you have the helmet of salvation in Ephesians 16 17 take take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the spirit which is the word of God

everybody plays with the sword of the spirit

until they get a cracked head then they throw the sword spear javelin feet and their shield of faith and they run away or they call their pastor

where the helmet of salvation

helmet what protects you do you understand do you believe us

go to one conscience 15 55 oh death where is your sting oh Hades where is your victory what are you afraid of

failing stupidity i can guarantee you in writing that you will be stupid and you will fail(…) i think you certificate of stupidity why because i have a PhD in it yes

why our name is laughing no do you understand but not God who perfects that which concerns me hallelujah he has called me to this calling

do you understand and death has lost his sting the doctors thought i almost died or in fact i was dead and they tried to resuscitate me

when i came to i told the doctor i said don’t use that mission on me again

he’s like what i said don’t ever use that mission i’m not going to die on your watch

so no one talked to me like that i said you haven’t met people like me he said don’t ever use that mission he said okay here because i was serious

because he left marks all over my body yeah

oh death where is your sting

what are you afraid of i don’t have a death wish but i’m not afraid of dying because the moment i’m not here i’m with Jesus hallelujah and that’s a better place because i don’t get fat i can eat all the pizzas i want hallelujah it’s a good news the other one here the one is looking very serious no but that doesn’t mean i don’t do anything on earth

do you understand i have a calling to fulfill yes go to collations 127 to them god will to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the gentiles which is christ in you the hope of glory glory is eternal life the helmet of salvation but also when you tell it not to rain it stops raining(…) who’s glorified if you are then something is wrong with you let the card be glorified

you’ve been with me when traffic was cleared

do you remember long time ago there was a line of traffic the lord said get out of the car and there’s another way number i got out and there was another way low and behold i said turn your car around that time you had what centro yes

and we i was raising i was driving that centro once and i was raising a driver um guy on a motorcycle i was doing maybe 110 120 every time he tried to pass me i go a little faster

but later said the lord said slow down i said why i’m going as fast as slow down turned out that there was a flat tire remember that i was doing 110 with a flat tire

so the angels must have been busy filling the tire with air every circle and radius

like i said i i need to apologize to them once i get there but here’s the thing is this life more valuable or is the eternal life more valuable to you

i’m not telling you to answer me you cannot do that unless you renew your mind in the word of god and you are filled with the holy spirit and that is why the bible tells you to keep your eyes on things above and you will need the holy spirit to do that without that you will be dead in water remember it is not our race

but it is set before us this race that that we have to run we can only run by the faith like the lord gives us and we can only sustain ourselves in that race if we are filled with the holy spirit hallelujah and this holy spirit is not a magical mystical force or event that happens god is not partial all you have to do is ask the disciples asked and they were filled or an orchid and what are we going to do now we’re going to ask hallelujah as we continue worshiping

But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. (Hebrews 13:16)

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