Day 77-78

Day 77

For this reason make every effort to add virtue to your faith; and to your virtue, knowledge; and to your knowledge, self-control; and to your self-control, patient endurance; and to your patient endurance, godliness; and to your godliness, brotherly kindness; and to your brotherly kindness, love. 2 Peter 1:5-7 MEV

Faith, it starts with faith, that leads to the knowledge of who God is and what is in His Heart, and that leads to us having a moral compass, in other words, self-control. It goes on, and it makes perfect sense to me.

Therefore, brothers, diligently make your calling and election sure. For if you do these things, you will never stumble. 2 Peter 1:10 MEV

Things to check when you feel that you are stumbling.

For if after they have escaped the defilements of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and they are again entangled in them and are overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning.

2 Peter 2:20 MEV

Speaks volumes and is a sound warning.

Day 78

But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:7 MEV

Walk in the light of the Lord, no matter how strong the pull of darkness may be. We then have fellowship with one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.

My little children, I am writing these things to you, so that you do not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous One. 1 John 2:1 MEV

The Honorable Righteous Advocate General,  Jesus the Christ!

The world and its desires are passing away, but the one who does the will of God lives forever. 1 John 2:17 MEV

This passage gives me great joy! The world and its desires are passing away. Hallelujah!

And now, little children, remain in Him, so that when He appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him when He comes. 1 John 2:28 MEV

To be confident on that day… Thank God that He will bring to completion the good work that He has begun in us.

Beloved, now are we children of God, and it has not yet been revealed what we shall be. But we know that when He appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is. 1 John 3:2 MEV

This includes the affairs of our fallen but renewed heart, especially this crazy little thing called love.

Whoever has been born of God does not practice sin, for His seed remains in him. And he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God. 1 John 3:9 MEV


Now the one who keeps His commandments remains in Him, and He in him. And by this we know that He remains in us, through the Spirit whom He has given us. 1 John 3:24 MEV

How do we know? What make us confident? We not only  keep His commandments but also through the Holy Spirit whom He has given us.

But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. (Hebrews 13:16)

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