Just took away all my worries!

Praise the Lord. My name is Jugal. I would like to share a testimony on how the Lord Jesus Christ released me from all my worries. For past few days I used to be really stressed as there was a problem in our business and it would never leave me. I would keep thinking about it over and over again even when I am driving; eating be it anything it would be running behind my head.

On 6th March 2014 I had been to church as certain things had to be rearranged. I met Pastor John at 7:00 in the evening and Pastor said that he has recorded a song that very same day and it was from “Psalm 103”. As soon as Pastor played the song there was something that started happening within me. I am not able to express it how it felt like. I was like all my worries all the things that I was going through for the past few days just started fading away. I was as if something heavy that I was carrying was just taken away. I felt so light. There was peace, joy, happiness. There was an anointing in the song which just took away all my worries!

Though we were not able to make any rearrangements but that moment / time was given to us by Lord Jesus so that he would show his love for me and release me from all my worries through “Psalm 103”. Thank You Lord Jesus.

Posted on March 8, 2014 by Recon Center

But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. (Hebrews 13:16)

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