The Lord’s Miraculous Protection – Psalm 91

My name is Anshu Dhingra DIE. I would like to share with you a testimony of the Lord’s miraculous protection upon our lives. About 10 days back, I was told by my husband, that I need to drive down and pick up his sister and himself at around 3:30 – 4:00 am in the morning from the bus station (about 10 minutes drive from my house). I told my husband that there was no problem, and I would drive down with my 3 year old son and pick them up, as it was close by. However, inside of me there was a fear of driving in pitch darkness, early in the morning. I had never walked out alone out of my house at this hour. I did not share this with anyone, knowing somewhere in my heart, that Jesus is always with me and would protect me.

On Sunday, October 27th, 2013, my pastor preached on Psalm 91 from the Bible, and I realized that I hadn’t read Psalm 91 for a long time.

The next day itself, early Monday morning, was when I had to drive down to pick up my sister-in-law and husband. So, Sunday evening, before sleeping, I put my alarm for 2:30 am. When my alarm rang, I woke up and turned the alarm off, and went back to sleep. Thanks to the Lord, He woke me up at 3:30 am. I called my husband, to find out whether their bus had almost reached the bus station, and he told me that it would take half an hour. Now this is when I realized how fearful I was to drive down in this pitch darkness, which I could see from my window, with not a single person on the road, and complete silence. At that moment, the Holy Spirit led me to read Psalm 91. I didn’t understand why, thinking I already knew what this specific Psalm signifies. But, with the grace of God, I read the Psalm once, twice, thrice, until half an hour had almost gone by, and immediately all my fear vanished completely. So at 4:00 am, I took my son in my arms, as He was fast asleep, and walked out my door, and as soon as I stepped out, an owl screeched loudly. Fear wanted to enter inside of me, but I started speaking Psalm 91 out loud, “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and fortress; My God in Him I will trust.” I was at peace at this point, and this is how far I got, when the owl immediately stopped screeching. I went downstairs into my car, picked my my sister-in-law and my husband, and all of us reached back home safely.

It is only after all this happened that I realized, that Jesus knew everything from the beginning, and I also realized how powerful Psalm 91 is.

Thank you Jesus for being with me at all times, and never leaving me nor forsaking me!

Posted on November 4, 2013 by Recon Center

But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. (Hebrews 13:16)

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