**Testimony of God’s Miraculous Healing**

In January 2015, Renjith started experiencing a continuous fever. Whenever we gave him medicine, it would subside temporarily, so we didn’t take it too seriously at first. However, after a week, we decided to visit a nearby doctor. The doctor prescribed some medicines and gave him an injection. That evening, after taking a nap, Renjith woke up as a completely different person—he had lost his memory and was confused.

We rushed him back to the same hospital. The doctors ran several tests and scans, but there was no improvement in his condition. Renjith remained unresponsive and was admitted to the hospital in an unconscious state.

At that time, we had three children, the youngest being just 11 months old. I was overwhelmed with panic because I had no money and didn’t even know the PIN or password for our bank accounts. The next evening, the doctor called me and explained Renjith’s critical situation. He advised transferring him immediately to a multi-specialty hospital. The diagnosis was *Meningial Encephalitis*, a viral infection in the brain. The doctor warned me about the potential consequences: Renjith could permanently lose his memory or suffer life-long disabilities.

I was going through an unimaginably tough time, but the entire church was praying for us. We transferred Renjith to Aster Medcity Hospital, where he was admitted to the ICU. That night, our Pastor, John Kodiyil, called me to pray and encourage me with Bible verses. He reminded me to meditate on Psalm 40:1-3:

  • Psalm 40:1-3 NKJV I waited patiently for the LORD; And He inclined to me, And heard my cry. [2] He also brought me up out of a horrible pit, Out of the miry clay, And set my feet upon a rock, And established my steps. [3] He has put a new song in my mouth- Praise to our God; Many will see it and fear, And will trust in the LORD.

As I meditated on these verses, I felt an inner peace like never before. The next day, Anu Chechi (Pastor’s wife) and Anshu came to the hospital and prayed for us. Their support was a great source of encouragement.

Meanwhile, the hospital bills kept increasing, but God miraculously sent the right people to help us. Renjith’s condition remained critical. He was in a coma and unresponsive to medication. The doctors conducted numerous tests, even sending his blood and spinal fluid samples to Pune for analysis. Despite all this, there was no sign of improvement.

The following evening, I called our Pastor again and asked him to visit the hospital and pray for Renjith. Since ICU visits were restricted, visitors were not allowed. However, God made a way, and one of the doctors permitted us to enter.

Inside the ICU, Renjith was lying there with wires and machines connected to his body. Pastor looked at him and asked, “Renjith, when are we going to Leh Ladakh in your new car?” There was no response. Pastor then started praying fervently, and I could tangibly feel the presence of Jesus in that room. It was a moment I will never forget—the power of Jesus was so evident. As he prayed, Pastor softly slapped Renjith’s face and declared, “Renjith, in the name of Jesus, I command you to come back to life!”

Due to time restrictions, we had to leave the ICU. Outside, Pastor began sharing the Word of God with bystanders near the ICU, and a crowd gathered, listening intently.

When I reached home later that night, I received a call from Renjith’s mother. She said, “Moley (daughter in Malayalam), Renjith has opened his eyes and is talking normally. His memory is back!” I was overwhelmed with gratitude. I knew this was the miraculous healing power of our Lord Jesus, manifested during the prayer. All glory to Jesus!

Ten days later, Renjith was discharged from the hospital, completely healed. When we visited the doctor from the first hospital, he was astonished to see Renjith’s full recovery. He admitted that he had expected permanent damage to Renjith’s body, but there was none.

We thank the Lord for His incredible miracle in our lives. I am deeply grateful to our Pastor, Anu Chechi, and the entire church for their prayers and support. All glory and honor to our Lord Jesus Christ!

But do not forget to do good and to share, for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. (Hebrews 13:16)

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