Introductions Please

This blog/site was created to serve a community of believers in Jesus the Christ that I pastor. I’ve noticed that I do not know some of the folks who have signed up to this blog. I request that you introduce yourself by commenting on this post. In order to avoid spam and other mischief to … Read more

Merry Christmas

Matthew 1:23 NKJV[23] “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.” I can explain the nuances of theology, but the truth before which I remain in amazement is: “Jesus, God with us.”

Trust the Lord

I’ve not posted for a while because I’ve had to do more pastoral work (read praying) than I planned to. As I’ve explained over and over again, our faith has to be real, and for that to happen, we absolutely must have a relationship with God. I’m in the middle of the series that I … Read more

Triple Lockdown

First step: Contain an area, seal all roads barring one for entry and exit; public transport is suspended, private vehicles are allowed only in emergencies. Second step: Complete restrictions in containment zones or clusters where primary and secondary contacts of the infected persons are living. Third step: Ensure family members of the infected persons, who … Read more